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Therapist: Tana Welter, MSW, LICSW change

Select a service to schedule an appointment.

  • In-Person Sessions

    • Meet and Greet (In-Person) Free
      This is an in-person session that potential clients can schedule so they can meet the therapist before actually starting therapy with that therapist. During a Meet & Greet, potential clients have the opportunity to ask the therapist questions and decide if they feel comfortable with her. Potential clients can ask questions about how the therapist does therapy, what therapy will be like, and can also ask more questions about insurance, etc. After completing a Meet & Greet, an Intake is completed as the beginning of the therapy process. 
    • Individual Intake - All Ages (In-Person)
    • Couples or Family Intake (In-Person)
      Couples/families schedule this Intake session as the beginning of their therapy process. Couples/families need to submit the appropriate paperwork (found in Sentier Psychotherapy's client portal) before this session. If Couples/Families are interested in therapy with one of our therapists but would like to meet them first, they should first schedule a Meet & Greet and can schedule the Intake after completing the Meet & Greet. 
    • 50-Min Individual Session (In-Person)
      In-office therapy session. Please note: Sentier therapists have different in-person and online days. Please confirm with your therapist ahead of time that booking this session is okay. 
    • 50-Min Couples or Family Session (In-Person)
    • 80-Min Individual Session (In-Person)
    • 80-Min Couples or Family Session (In-Person)
    • DBT Teen Group Intake (In-Person) $50
      Intake to assess client goodness of fit for the Teen DBT group.
    • DBT Young Adult Group Intake (In-Person) $50
      Intake to assess client goodness of fit for the Young Adult DBT group.
    • Parenting Consultation (In-Person)
      This appointment can be scheduled by current clients for therapist/parent/guardian session without child/teen present.  
    • Walking Therapy Session (In-Person)
      Walking therapy session, which meets in front of Sentier and ends in front of Sentier. Not all providers at Sentier do walking sessions, so please talk with your therapist if you are interested. Please note: Your therapist has limited days of the week when this session is offered. Please clear this with them ahead of time. 
  • Online Sessions

    • Meet & Greet (Online) Free
    • Individual Intake - All Ages (Online)
      This is the first official therapy session individuals will have with their therapist (online session). Individuals need to complete the Individual Intake paperwork via Sentier Psychotherapy's client portal and submit this paperwork before the Intake session. After completing the Individual Intake session, individuals can schedule 50 or 80 minute therapy sessions with their therapist. For Child Therapy clients: This Intake session is generally scheduled as time without the child present so that caregivers can adequately report relevant history. Child will be present for first Child Therapy session after Intake is complete.
    • Couples or Family Intake (Online)
      Couples/families schedule this Intake session as the beginning of their therapy process. Couples/families need to submit the appropriate paperwork (found in Sentier Psychotherapy's client portal) before this session. If Couples/Families are interested in therapy with one of our therapists but would like to meet the therapist first, they should first schedule a Meet & Greet and can schedule the Intake after completing the Meet & Greet. 
    • 50-Min Individual Session (Online)
    • 80-Min Individual Session (Online)
      This is an extended session that individuals can schedule if longer sessions are needed. Must be pre-approved by the therapist. 
    • Parenting Consultation (Online)
      This appointment can be scheduled by current clients for therapist/parent/guardian session without child/teen present. 
    • DBT Young Adult Group Intake (Online) $50
      Intake to assess client goodness of fit for the Young Adult DBT Group. 
    • DBT Teen Group Intake (Online) $50
      Intake to assess client goodness of fit for the Teen DBT group.